Aspects of successful Corporate English Language Training programs

Good internal marketing for all Corporate Training opportunities #
Are the employees who would benefit most from this training aware that it is available and that it is being provided to them at the company's expense? How are you making sure your employees are informed that your education team has carefully selected these materials for their benefit? Your employees are busy making sure your business is successful so they need to be reminded periodically that personal development opportunities like this are available.
Quality curriculum for English Language Training #
Choosing the most effective English Language curriculum for your organization is critical. You want to make sure your educational dollars are going as far as possible and your employee’s time is used effectively. Our content is always available online (24/7) and we provide weekly “Tips from the Author” emails (we have 8 years of weekly content) that provide encouragement and “instant” lessons consumable on any device.
AmEnglish products were built by English Language teachers specializing in adult education. These tools are designed to correct common errors made by professionals who are also English Language Learners. This focus helps AmEnglish training provide positive professional development quickly. These training tools have been tested and refined over the last 3 decades in corporate training, colleges and adult schools.
For example when teaching pronunciation, AmEnglish tools focus on stress, intonation, and rhythm because improving these areas makes the biggest difference in intelligible speech. Different approaches like focusing on individual sounds are more difficult and time consuming for adult learners to change so less progress is made in being understood.
Get more information on AmEnglish Corporate Language Training Programs here
Easy onboarding to all Training program #
How quickly can students sign up and start learning once they become aware of this educational opportunity?
AmEnglish tools can be integrated with your single sign-on solutions, can call your own APIs for authorization or student access can be managed by your administrator.
Evaluate data points regularly and take action to ensure success #
Measuring the success of your English Language Corporate training program is a critical part of success.
You want to ensure the success of training program and demonstrate this to your organization. Getting live access to data and regular summarized reports help with this. We give you access to raw usage data at will, and send monthly summarized usage reports so you can share results and identify trends.
We are ready to work with you to increase engagement based on this data. We have found that student engagement increases with regular push delivery of micro lessons so we include that as part of all Corporate Training packages.
Challenges to anticipate: Corporate English Language training students may be reluctant to take tests! #
This is an interesting problem because it complicates the most obvious method for tracking training results. A training program administrator would love to be able to measure skill levels of individuals before and after training. These tests are available from AmEnglish, we offer pre and post assessments that measure language mastery for students. Unfortunately, in our experience with many dedicated students, these tests are avoided. It is easy to empathize with a corporate student’s reluctance to take tests, they may worry that their scores could become part of their employment record and limit their ability to advance in the organization.
Ways to deal with this
- The tools offered by AmEnglish do not require tests to be taken before starting the material. We have found that this improves student engagement with the curriculum. People are able to begin learning without being gated by the initial test
- Make plans to deliver progress reports without relying on individual score improvement. Some data points AmEnglish tools will deliver are time in each type of programs, total number of lessons completed per student
- Survey students and request feedback on training.
Challenges to anticipate: A busy schedule leaves little time for additional study #
A percentage of students will dive into the material wholly on their own initiative and gain massive benefits from deep English Language training tools. Another percentage of the population would benefit from the training but has difficulty finding time to incorporate it into their schedule.
Ways to deal with this:
- Take advantage of regularly delivered micro lessons instead of relying on students taking the initiative to begin study sessions
- Offer incentives for completing training milestones
- Allow employees to use some normal working hours to take advantage of your organizations offered self improvement curriculum
- We also offer online “Zoom” meetings on demand for student orientation. Some students are not sure where to start and these sessions can help guide them and motivate them to get started.